"Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy Name in all the earth..." Psalm 8:1
The rocks, trees, mountains and skies display His splendor.
"What is man that Thou dost take thought of him? And the son of man, that Thou dost care for him?" Psalm 8:4
Wow, just to think that God, the God of all creation, loves me.
Hello from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Well actually it is hello from me and here are some pictures I was able to take while on vacation at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. We were also at Zion national park on this trip. It was hot, but beautiful! It is so amazing to see God's handiwork. To know that He set things in order so that the views of this beauty is ever changing yet remains the same.
Psalm 19 tells us that nature declares the wonders of God. WOW! He is the Wonder of Wonders!This beautiful deer and it's companion reminded me of the verse, "as the deer pants for the water...that is the way my soul longs for you." It also reminded me of the book Hind's Feet on High Places. If you could have
seen the path up the side of the canyon, you would have been amazed that the deer find their way!
As you go through the summer months, may God bless and keep you all safe. May His grace cause you to grow and increase in your spiritual life. Take time to thank God for His blessings.