Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Some POW in our WOW

We need some POW for our WOW Initiative. POW stands for “Prayers of Warriors” and we must have our prayer warriors focused on the WOW Initiative if we want it to make a difference. Each division began circulating Prayer Pots by sending them to the corps. Each corps is to keep the Prayer Pot one week before sending it to the next corps. The Prayer Pot looks like a pot being formed by the potter. It has the shape of two hands on it and the words “Thou art the potter” inscribed on the top. The Prayer Pots are also being circulated at the ARC, Crestmont and THQ. The Prayer Pot at THQ sits on the desk of Jean Bauer and is filled with white rose petals. People at THQ and those visiting are encouraged to take a rose petal out of the pot and write the letters WOW. Then they are to take the petal with them to remind them to pray.

Even though the WOW Initiative is an idea designed and promoted by the Territorial Women’s Section and Women’s Ministries in the Western Territory, it is not just a “woman’s thing,” it is a Kingdom thing. It is a promotion to win souls for the Kingdom of God, for The Salvation Army and for the local corps. Salvation Army women’s ministry programs are outcome oriented. They were designed to lead people to Christ (Seeker 1) and help them mature in their Christian life (Seeker 2). Women’s programs were designed to bring families to the corps and add to the Soldier roll. We measure these outcomes.

Here is a celebration report from Major Mariam Rudd for the Cascade division:

Line # 2405 (37) #1 Adult Seekers through Women's Ministries – 65

Line # 2410 (37) #2 Adult Seekers through Women's Ministries – 338 women sought after God's heart in rededication and submission

Line # 3001 Women's Ministries 703 (last year - 688) 25 more women attended WM in 2006


Line #3010 – 47 - new families were brought to the corps through Women's Ministries!

We are praising the Lord for this harvest - CELEBRATE with us and the Corps Officers of the Cascade Division, as we give thanks to the Lord this Thanksgiving Season.

This is just from one division! More reports are coming in to our office of how God used Salvation Army women’s programs to grow His Kingdom.

We can do better with some more POW in our WOW!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Believe in Victory

Catherine Booth wrote, “Soldiers of Christ must believe in victory. Faith in victory is an indispensable condition to successful warfare of any kind. It is universally recognized by generals of killing armies that, if the enthusiasm of expected conquest be destroyed, and their troops imbued with fear and doubt as to the ultimate result, defeat is all but certain. That is equally true with respect to spiritual warfare, and hence the repeated and comprehensive assurance and promises of victory from the great Captain of our salvation.”

The true soldier of Christ, who has the spirit of war and who is abandoned to its interests, has in his soul knowledge of coming victory. He knows it is only a question of time…faith inspires him to hardship…”

The Thanksgiving and Christmas season are upon us and opportunities for service will increase. Some will see this as hardship and others as blessing. All of us must claim victory for the Kingdom of Christ.

As I look for the one, two or more people that Jesus will bring into my life who will be won for His Kingdom this year, I try to greet every opportunity as the one that will open the door and reveal the person or people to whom God has chosen me to be His instrument for their salvation. It has made life somewhat of an adventure. I try to remember this attitude when I wake each day. Will this be the day? I try to remember this attitude when I meet people. Will this be the person? I may be the seed planter, the one who brings water to the seedling or the one that tends the field – I just want to be faithful as I try to win one woman for the Kingdom, for The Salvation Army and for my corps this year.

Do you believe in victory?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Tactics of Spiritual Warfare

Catherine Booth wrote, “Christ’s soldiers must understand the tactics of war. In order to do this, they must make a subject of earnest and prayerful study how to make the most of their time, talents, money or any other resources which God may have placed at their command for the advancement of the Kingdom. They must think and scheme how best to attack the enemy.”

“Think of the time, trouble, skill and money that are expended by great killing armies in planning for stratagem and maneuver in order to surprise and overcome enemies. Some of you will remember reading, in the records of the German and French war of 1870, that the German officers were better acquainted with the geography of France than the French themselves; they knew every road, by-way and field likely to be available for their purposes. Think of the time and trouble that must have been expended in becoming thus familiar with a foreign country, and compare it with the haphazard, rule of thumb kind of way in which spiritual warfare if for the most part conducted.”

WOW! Digest that for a moment as you consider your own efforts lately. I wrote “your own” rather than “our own” because the best actions take place on the field. It is the job of territorial and divisional leaders to cast the vision and set the direction, but if the officers and soldiers on the field don’t take action our prayers and spiritual warfare tactics remain only good or bad ideas.

If I were the enemy of Christ and The Salvation Army, I would look at the strengths and weaknesses of my enemy. The weakness of Christ is found in His human soldiers. The Salvation Army was raised up for a unique mission for Christ. The Salvation Army was raised up to be a part of the universal Church, but to function as and active fighting force for the King of kings. We “do” church because that is the way the believers come together to fellowship, learn and to worship God.

One of my main attacks would be to confuse The Salvation Army and its soldiers about their mission. If I could get them off mission and on to trying to be like every other church, I could weaken them. If I can get them to fight and argue within their ranks, my plan would work even better. If I can get them to disrespect those God has place in authority, I would blind and deafen them to the very people God will use to wake them up and get them back on track.

Another tactic would be to get these human soldiers involved in doing good. I would keep them busy so that they do not have time to grow spiritually and listen to the High Commander about what He wants them to do. (Just in case the High Commander does get through to some of His soldiers, I would make it hard for them to change or if they do make the change make others think of them as extreme.)

As the enemy of Christ, I would do everything I could to fill His soldiers with anger and bitterness. I would make them angry at their leaders, their people, and themselves. They would spew this infection and spread it to others. Oh, yes, it is easier to infect others with anger and bitter spirits than to infect them with passion for doing the will of the High Commander. I would make it part of their “culture” to talk about each other and to put down their leaders. I would make the leaders harsh and appear to be ego centered rather than Christ Centered.

As the enemy of Christ, I would marginalize people and programs that have the most potential. I would put words like these in the thoughts and mouths of people: “Oh, it is just the young people.” “Oh, it is just programming for women.” (Ha! That is my favorite one. As long as the enemy can keep God’s soldiers from realizing the potential of women for the Kingdom, that potential will not be harnessed, equipped and mobilized for the Kingdom. Women would not be brought into help with youth programs, raise money for God’s projects, help build the corps and change the community.) “If you don’t get the men, you won’t get the family.” (Hope they give up because if they “just” get the children or “just” get the women they have been working and they have won someone away from hell.)

As the enemy of Christ, I would do a bang up job. As a soldier of Christ I need to take the time and energy to think about the strategy of the enemy and figure out how to counter act and fight that strategy.

Catherine Booth wrote, “Think of the time and trouble that must have been expended in becoming thus familiar with a foreign country, and compare it with the haphazard, rule of thumb kind of way in which spiritual warfare if for the most part conducted.” What is your strategy for Winning One Woman for Christ, The Salvation Army and your corps this year?

Here is an interesting formula shared by Commissioner Gwen Luttrell that she got from Shirley Green:

2 x 2 = 4

4 x 4 = 16

16 x 16 = 256

256 x 256 = 65,536

65,536 x 65,536 = 4,294,967,296

If each Christian won just one person every year, in five years we could go from 2 to 4.3 billion

WOW we could win our world if we all would just win one woman each year. Just one! (You can also win men, girls and boys. Just win some one for Christ!)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Where's the Heat?

Occasionally my gas dryer malfunctions. I faithfully place items that need to dry in the dryer set the time and hit the start button. The dryer begins to turn and I think all is well. It looks and sounds like it is working. I go off to work on other projects. After a while, it dawns on me that I have not heard the buzzer warn me that the clothes are dry and that the dryer is still running. When I investigate, I discover that the heating element never turned on and that the sensor still knows the clothes are wet. The electricity has done its job to turn the drum, but the gas did not do its job to heat the drum. My reaction is not pretty, especially when I have a lot of clothes to wash and only a little time. “Where’s the heat?” (The repairman thinks it its fixed now, something was out of balance with the way the dryer was drawing air.)

You can guess where I am going with this – can’t you?

Catherine Booth spoke these words in her sermon about Christianity and the Real Warfare. “Soldiers of Christ must me abandoned to the ware. They must be thoroughly committed to God’s side; there can be no neutrals in this war. When a soldier enlists in the Queen’s army, he ceases to be his own property, becoming the property of his country. He goes where he is sent, standing at any post to which he is assigned, even if it be at the cannon’s mouth. He gives up the ways and comforts of civilians, and goes forth with his life in his hand, obedient to the will of his sovereign. If I understand it, that is what Jesus Christ demands of every one of His soldiers and nothing else.”

That would be and example of a red hot soldier.

So here is the part that really set my mind in whirl, “Someone may ask, ‘but we cannot all be ministers, or missionaries, or officers in The Salvation Army. Must we not attend to the avocations of this life, and work for the bread which perishes for our family and ourselves?’ Certainly, but the great end in all we do must be the promotion of the Kingdom. A man may work in order that he may eat, but he must eat to live, not to himself or for the promotion of his own purposes, but for his King…if his heart is really set on this, he will, when work is done gladly lay aside (his work tools) for the sword of the Spirit, and for the conflict with (sin.) Instead of spending his evenings in ease…will spend what would have been his leisure hours (for the cause of the Kingdom.)” I believe in balance of all things so when I read these words, I have to question if I have fallen into a 9 to 5 type of officership. (It is a hazard of not being on the frontlines.) Of course anytime the opportunity presents itself by way of encounter at the store, a phone call, or prompting to action by the Holy Spirit, I obey. I must confess that my “home body” temperament places me in the comfort of my home once I leave the office or finish shopping. Once again, I have great convictions about balance. There have been too many people, (officers, soldiers and employees of The Salvation Army), who have not allowed God to balance their time and the person and their loved ones have suffered for that omission no matter how much good they thought was accomplished. However the question begs to be asked, is the leisure time been balanced? Does the TV or the computer get more time than God’s work? Each of us has to work that out as we journey and fight for God.

Am I spinning the drum without heat? Am I using up resources without results because something is wrong with the spiritual heat element in my life?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

WOW Christianity and the Real Warfare

Catherine Booth wrote, “Christ’s Soldiers must be imbued with the spirit of the war. Love to the King and concern for His interests must be the master passion of the soul. Without this, all outward effort, even that which springs from a sense of duty, will fail. The hardship and suffering involved in spiritual warfare are too great for any motive but that of love. The image and glory of Christ must be engraven on the heart of every faithful soldier of Christ.”

“It must be the all subduing passion of the soldier’s life to bring the reign of Jesus Christ over all the hearts and souls of men. A little child who has this spirit will subjugate others to his King, while the most talented, learned and active without it will accomplish comparatively little. If the hearts of the Christians of this generation were inspired with this spirit and set on winning the world for God, we would soon see nations shaken to their center, and millions of souls translated into the Kingdom.”

This was the spirit of the early Salvationists. They changed their world. Dear God can you give us this kind of commitment and passion for the souls in our sphere of influence? Help us model it from leadership so that it may be caught by every soldier. Win One Woman. Win Our World.

At the Aggressive Christianity conference, General John Gowans gave the last address and during the altar call gave his most powerful message of the weekend. As he gave the altar call, a man who was obviously from the streets came forward and asked if he could speak to the General. General Gowans replied, “Yes, certainly. After I finish here, I will meet with you.” The man asked where and General pointed to a place and said, “I will talk with you there.” We watched and waited for the sign for rescue, but he turned the altar call over to someone else and went to speak with the man. He came back to his seat and grabbed his water bottle and went back and gave it to the man. They talked and prayed together. General Gowans could have passed the man off to any of us who were waiting to step in so that he could go and pray with other people. The General’s care and concern for the soul of this man spoke volumes and word has come back of the power in that message.

In Alaska, Major Sherry Tollerud was convicted to share her personal WOW goals and efforts with her women. She wrote, “It was hard to do. I did not want them to think I was bragging. I wanted to set an example.” God has been working in my life as a territorial leader. Sometimes my life can be so sheltered from opportunities to share my witness so I have to ask God to help me be sensitive to His leading. I have asked Him to make me more aware to the opportunities I have to share His love. I pray for my neighbors and when I fly I pray for the flight crew and the passengers. Occasionally I even get a chance to share a witness. I have four family members on my prayer “hit” list. The other day while we were in a restaurant, I caught the smile of a waitress from another table. Before I left I thanked her for her lovely smile. She took my hand and squeezed it and said, thank you for what The Salvation Army does.” We did not have time for more, so I can only guess that she came through one of our programs and God had placed me there to give her encouragement that day. I am so glad I was looking for a divine appointment and caught her eye. Sometimes you plant seeds, sometimes you water seeds, sometimes you get to harvest fruit, and sometimes you are tending the vines.

Our sincere hope is that the WOW Initiative is making a difference for the Kingdom of God, for The Salvation Army, for your corps and in Women’s Ministries. It won’t make a difference unless you choose to use it as a reminder that the passion of every Salvation Army soldier is to Win Our World for Jesus Sake. It happens on person at a time. So plant those seeds, water them, harvest them and tend the vines. Be faithful and have a passion for souls.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

WOW Southwest!

Congratulations to the Southwest Division for increasing more than 2,000 in the yearly attendance as indicated by the year end health summary.

You are on the grow!

Reminder What's WOW About?

WOW is a multi - part promotion. The first part is the WOW Initiative. The work done on the field in this next year and beyond. The second is a Territorial WOW Celebration Luncheon planned for June 9, 2007. A third part will include the divisionally planned Celebrations. Corps and ARC Units can also have their own celebrations.

What will we celebrate? Women and their family and friends who come to Christ. Women who grow in their commitment to the King of Kings. We will celebrate new members of Women's ministries programs, increase in attendance and new programs began.

To do this at the June 9, 2007 event we will use the months of October to March to monitor the activity, but divisions and corps should wait until at least a year has passed to see the greater outcomes and progress.

Salvation Army Women’s Ministries programs are outcome based. Measuring the outcome of our work will help indicate the effectiveness of those programs. Therefore we will continue to emphasize, measure, and celebrate the success of the following:

Fundamental Purposes:

Seekers added

Soldiers and Adherents added

Families Linked to Corps

New Members added to Home League

New Participants added to Outreach Groups

Attendance Increase

Forty-four and more meetings held

44 Home League Meetings (Required in WM Guidelines)

Outreach Group Meetings (Expected of every corps)

We are not giving any new reports for the corps, we will expect them to use the planning and report tools they have been given. There will be a new report for DHQ - The report asking for which people and programs they want to highlight at the Territorial Celebration.

Perhaps the women of a corps will realize how many lost opportunities pass through their doors at Christmas. In October, the will meet weekly to plan and pray. They will pray and ask God which women they should target. Shall they have a ministry to the grandmothers and aunts raising grandchildren and nieces? Shall they reach out to the single moms?

They will plan how to invite the target group of women, they will plan the events and what kinds of things they will do to interest the women to come. They will plan follow up events to invite the women to return. Will the events be monthly or weekly?

Then the women will pray some more. Pray and ask God to bless their efforts with success. The women will pray some more and ask God to help them grow in their own spiritual lives. They will take leadership positions and help the corps advance in the Salvation War.

Perhaps one woman will get the vision about winning women for Christ and her efforts will change a community. WOW!

Monday, November 06, 2006

If You Want It, It's Yours

It’s Yours!

In your heart of hearts are you a trifle weary,

Is there part of you your better self deplores?

Do you want the power to be a better person?

If you want it--it's yours!


If you want it--it's yours!

If you want it--it's yours!

Do you want the power to be a better person?

If you want it--it's yours!

Is your mind mixed up and are your thoughts in turmoil?

Are you tired of fighting, are you sick of wars?

Would you like some peace instead of inner conflict?

If you want it--it's yours!

Are you somewhat sad and wish that you were happy?

Real contentment has a special set of laws;

Joy is not for sale, it's only found in Jesus;

If you want it--it's yours!

Words: John Gowans

Music John Larsson

Just recently we were at officers’ councils and General John Gowans was the speaker. He told us that he felt this song did not belong in the song book of The Salvation Army. It is not that he does not like the song. He feels it was great for the musical because of the context of the musical. He explained that as he wrote the words his mind went back to his youth when he went to carnivals and county fairs. The patter of the sales people would go something like this: “I have something really valuable to sell you. It is worth (fill in the blank), but for half it’s value I will sell it to you today. If you want it, (the salesperson would tap it or rattle it twice) it’s yours.” John Gowans saw the words of this song being presented by a super salesperson sharing the most valuable gif of all.

Guess what? That makes me love the song even more! The words are so profound. They describe the state many of us find ourselves. How many of us have felt sick and tired of being sick and tired? How many have felt the way verses one and two describe a person? I wonder how many of us have sung these words or even enjoyed the experience of being a part of the musical for which the song was written. How many wish this was more than a set of words or a song from an upbeat musical.

Look again at these words from verse three the song, “Real contentment has a special set of laws, Joy is not for sale, it’s only found in Jesus. If you want it, it’s yours.” Paul wrote these inspired words in the book of Philippians (4:11-14) “I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty.” (NLT)

Contentment, joy, peace and power have a “certain set of laws.” The first law, the first step is to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour. Only Jesus can cancel the debt of sin and set us free from its bondage. This relationship with Jesus is more than a fire insurance policy. It is a life insurance policy or maybe better said an abundant life assurance policy.

Can it be as simple as asking for it? “If you want it, it’s yours.” If it is that simple why aren’t more Christians experiencing the joy, peace, power and contentment promised? “I have the secret of contentment in every situation…I can do everything God asks me to do with the help of Jesus, who gives me the strength and power I need.”

The secret of contentment is not a lobotomy that leaves us without an awareness of reality. The secret is submission to the will of God and complete trust in Him regardless of the circumstances of reality. Or to put it in the words from another song, trust and obey. We have to trust Jesus our Saviour to also be Jesus our Lord, the Ruler of our lives. Then we have access to that power that enables us to face the realities of our lives.

Sounds good in theory, but what about when things really go crazy in my life. As a Salvation Army officer and soldier, I must contend with changes and turmoil caused by moves, Christmas, and the people in my life. Not much different than most people since we all have challenges and changes thrown into our lives that could rob us of contentment, joy, and peace. Is it so simple as trusting the One who is making the offer. Through His Holy Spirit, Jesus whispers and shouts, “if you want it, it’s yours. I paid the price.”

So when the challenges and changes come, help us remember to look to Jesus for contentment, joy and peace. Tap into the power and abundance of all Jesus offers. “If you want it, it’s yours.”

Debora Bell, Lt. Colonel

The Salvation Army

Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Letter From The Heavenly Commander

The Heavenly Commander called me the other day and asked me to take a letter. Since I’m trying to follow the chain of command, I checked with Him to be sure that He cleared this request through the proper channels. He assured me that everything was in order. I reminded the Commander that I wasn’t the fastest typist, but He said since I was available speed didn’t matter. I agreed to do the letter for Him.

He started off the dictation session:

“Address this letter to The Salvation Army.”

“Excuse me, to whom in The Salvation Army should I send it to. Is it for the International Salvation Army or just the United States? Is it just for officers, or for soldiers too? Is this letter for women in The Salvation Army or are men included. Do you want to be a little more specific?”

There was a period of silence. I thought maybe He was impressed with and pondering my profound questions. After the silence became a little uncomfortable, I said: “Ok, I addressed the letter to The Salvation Army. It is just that it seemed a little too broad. I guess You will make sure the right people get this letter. I will trust Your system. Go on.”

“My dear children, I know your deeds, your work and your perseverance.”

“Excuse me. This is a great opening line. You immediately establish a warm relationship with readers. Then You remind them that You know about them. Did you want to expand on the deeds and work? I mean, let them know which deeds have really caught Your attention lately. Let them know which programs have produced the most positive results in the last year. That perseverance line is a little negative though. It makes it seem like they may be suffering persecution or difficulties. Nobody really likes to be reminded of the negative. Perhaps you can put that line a little later in the letter. You know after they’re really into reading it.”

I thought the Heavenly Commander would really appreciate this gem of insight. I was wrong. Once again there was one of those long and uncomfortable silences.

“Ok, it’s Your letter after all. I’m ready for the next sentence.”

“I know that you cannot endure evil men, but that you test everything to know if I have sent them to you.”

“Excuse me. Do you want to be so gender specific? Grammar check is going to beep on the word ‘men’. You wouldn’t want to be politically incorrect. Someone might think that You’re saying they should only watch out for evil ‘men’.”

The Heavenly Commander gave me another of those silences and I imagine He was rolling His eyes. He may have begun to wonder if He picked the right person to do this letter. Well, I did not want to get fired from this position, so I quickly reminded Him that I knew it was His letter and I would write it the way He dictated it. I added that I just wanted Him to look good.

“You have persevered and have endured for My Name’s sake and have not grown weary. However, I have this against you, you have left your first love.”

“Time out! Don’t you think You’re getting to the ‘however’ a quickly? Don’t you think this is a little judgmental? After all, The Salvation Army is doing a lot for Your Kingdom. We passed out cold water in Your Name at the Olympics. We have been on the scene of major disasters with our sleeves rolled up and ready to work. We faithfully hold Home League meetings at least 48 weeks of the year. (in most places) We have morning worship services and some still have evening services. We touch more lives for Your Kingdom in our communities than the average church. We even lead some of those people to salvation through Jesus Christ. We are a very busy people. How can you say The Salvation Army has lost its first love? Are You really sure You want to include that line in Your Letter to The Salvation Army?”

I did my best to defend us, but somewhere in my heart I knew the Commander was right. I quit arguing and waited for the rest of the letter. I know He’s not the kind to write a letter only to point out a problem. He will always have a solution. We may not like it, but there will be a solution.

“Remember where you have fallen from. Examine My plan for you when I called you into being. I didn’t need another church. I didn’t need another institution. I certainly don’t need another museum.”

“I hear that! ‘Remember.’ You know, we are really good at celebrating our past. I don’t know that we always learn from it, and we can have the tendency to live in it. Still we are good at remembering. Just help us to ‘remember’ what our first love really was. Ok, that’s a good line. ‘Remember.’”

“Repent and return to do the deeds you did at first.”

“Two more ‘R’ words. ‘Repent’ and ‘return’. Do You have any thing specific in mind? Do You want to tell us what we need to repent from? Can You please show us what deeds we should return to? Do You mean The Salvation Army needs to return to Open Air Meetings, several meetings on Sunday, a meeting every night of the week, home visitation…or prayer, Bible Study, and obedience to the leading of Your Holy spirit? You are our first love.” Since I like things to be easy I added: “Please let those 'first deeds' be something easy or we may not be able to accomplish this task. I’m ready for the next sentence.”

“If you do not remember, return, and repent, I will come and remove your lampstand out of its place.”

“That is a bit cryptic. Do You actually mean to warn us that You will give our work to someone else if we do not remember, repent and return?”

“Yes. That is exactly My warning for The Salvation Army.”


“The one who has an ear to hear, let him hear. It will be worth your while to do as I say, both now and in eternity. Those who overcome will be allowed to eat of the Tree of Life. This tree is in the Paradise of God.”

“How do You want to sign the letter?”

“Those who have ears to hear will know Who sent the letter.”

Sounds like something from the Bible, like in Revelations...

Friday, November 03, 2006

WOW In Hawaii - Shaking Things Up

Here is a report from Major Jonette Mulch the DWMS in Hawaii:

We had a wonderful WM Retreat in October. As I have not been responsible for a Divisional Women's Ministry Retreat before, I prayed that they Lord would do a mighty thing! I asked the Lord to make this event something that the ladies would never forget --- so He sent us a 6.7 Earthquake! Did this stop the women of the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands? NO!

We shared our continental breakfast that was already set up in our meeting room with many hotel guests who were looking for food, light and comfort. One of the employees of the hotel, who was assisting with our food, asked me what to do about the other people who were not with our group. I told her to let them come, after all.... We are The Salvation Army! We continued the rest of the morning in praise, prayer and sharing of the Word of God. The ladies who were heading home to the outer islands had the opportunity to give water and food to stranded people at the airport. We will not forget this event!

So God is already doing a WOW! thing here! It is exciting to think what He has in store for us the rest of the year!