I have not posted for most of the summer and fall. We have been traveling a lot. We were in Alaska,Washington, Africa, Washington DC, Yosemite, and so many other places. So when I was home, I was very busy catching up.
Let me tell you about the WOW Initiative. It is going great. We will soon get the year end reports, but from what we see in the August reports, the year end should show a 5% increase in attendance. This is the first increase in about 10 years!
Through those years certain divisions would have the increases, but others had challenges! This year we were concerned that the blizzards in the Intermountain Division would have a very negative affect, but they worked hard to turn it around.
October has started off with a bad effect on Southern California and Sierra Del Mar with its horrible fires. The corps are working hard to provide relief to those who were evacuated from their homes and those who lost their homes in these fires. God bless those officers, soldiers and volunteers!
More to come!