Thursday, April 26, 2007

It has been a while!

It has been a while since I have been able to blog. WOW! It has been a busy two months. Really busy since January. We are in the final stages before the territorial WOW Celebration.

Just this past week we have collected the reports from the divisions that tell us who has been chosen as their WOW Honorees and what kinds of things we will celebrate!

So, I am busy writing that information into the script and preparing the special awards for those individuals, groups or corps that were selected as the honorees because of their outstanding WOW efforts.

At the moment, I am in Dallas, Texas. We are here for the National Advisory Organizations Conference. There is a tremendous group of people here. Like all Salvation Army gatherings we are having a great day meeting and greeting people we have not seen in a long time. It is exciting. I know the same excitement will occur when our 1000 women gather together on June 9, 2007 for the WOW Celebration.

We are working hard to make sure that it will be a "happy" experience for all who attend that day. Since we are in Anaheim, we will make sure the Anaheim Grove is the "Happiest Place" in the world - not Disneyland. With your prayers and support that will happen. Since God will bless us beyond measure that day, we also plan for it to be an event where we celebrate God's Presence and it will be the "holiest" place as He meets with us in His special way.

By now you should have let your division know that you plan to attend. You cannot get into this meeting without a ticket. You can only get your ticket through your Divisional Women's Ministries Secretary or her representative. Each division has a limited amount of places to fill. Once those are full, you will have to go on your divisional waiting list.

As predicted, those spots are filling up and we have divisions who are having to turn people away or borrow some from another division. It is a nice problem to have.

There will be translation for Spanish speaking delegates. It will be a unique experience that will take about 3 hours and includes a great lunch. (Turkey Dinner)

For the opening welcome time - you are invited to bring your timbrels, ribbons and personal sized Army flags to wave. Cadets and Crestmont women officers are going to be in historic SA uniforms and will bring their timbrels as they participate in this Hallelujah celebration. We will lift up the Army Banner - Blood and Fire as we Fill the World with Glory!

Lots of surprises and blessings are planned.

We need your prayers and support! If you cannot join us - pray for us!

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