Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pursuing God

Win One Woman and Win Our World...lofty goals but first let us make sure that we are right with God. Kay Arthur writes, "I am convinced beyond a shadow of any doubt that the most valuable pursuit we can embark upon is to know God."

How can we "know God" in a real way? Stop and listen. God tries to reveal Himself to us in so many ways. Through nature - Psalm 19 tells us that the Heavens declare the Glory of God.

When I was a child, I would spend a couple of weeks during the summer with my maternal grandmother and grandfather. Grandma Honey and Papa made simple things come alive for us. We learned how to hunt for arrowheads, buried gold, and berries from bushes that nobody else knew were edible. Papa had a second grade education and worked for the city park department mowing grass, repairing sprinklers, and other types of labor. Sometimes we would meet him for a picnic at lunch and play in the park he was working on that day. Everyday was a new adventure and every day ended the same way: we would go outside of the four room adobe house where they lived and sit in the front yard to enjoy the cool of the evening. Grandma and Papa would tell us stories about the "olden days" and we would enjoy the night sky. I am 50 and have not done much night sky gazing lately, but last night I went out to sit on the patio in a chair to cool off because our air-conditioner was broken. It reminded me about beautiful New Mexico, summer nights, and about singing "What A Friend We Have in Jesus" which was Papa's favorite song.

When was the last time you left the comforts of technology and stepped out into nature so that God could reveal something about Himself to you?

Psalm 19 goes on to tell us that Scripture, specifically God's laws, reveal God. We can know God through His written Word.

Here is a plan: Find a nice quiet spot in nature - a park, a beach, the desert, a backyard, somewhere to get alone with God. Take your Bible and read Psalm 19 then read John 1:1-14. Pray and ask God to reveal something new about Himself to you. Then listen.

As we seek to win our world for Christ and for the Kingdom of God, let us start with a love and passion for God.

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