WOW! We are starting to hear from the field about their WOW kick offs!
Prayer Pots/Vessels begin to circulate in the ARC Command:
"Dear Officers,
As we discussed at Officer's Councils, we are introducing WOW's Prayer Pot Campaign. Because the ARC is unique we have taken the initiative to adapt the campaign to fit our needs. Therefore, here is how the campaign will proceed.
Each Center will receive the Prayer Pot for one week. We will be sending the pot to Seattle first. During the week, whenever it is convenient for you to meet with your women, you can pray for your specific needs. You may also want to initiate a prayer time for all of the other women's ARC programs.
If you wish you may put a list of the things you prayed about into the pot. Before sending the pot to the next Center please put something that symbolizes your group of women into the pot. The next Center to get the pot can then pray for you if they wish along with praying for their own needs.
In nine weeks, the pot will return to Command where we will summarize it's contents with a photograph or a list. If each of you has put your prayer lists into the pot, we here at THQ will also take some time and pray for you.
If at anytime during the nine week period, you see an answer to your prayers, please report this to us.
We are adapting this Prayer Pot program to our needs, so let WOW mean whatever you want it to mean. On the WOW website blog it says WOW can represent, "Women of Worth" or "Win Over Wickedness". Each of these can easily fit into our programs as each woman comes to understand that she is worthy in God's eyes and she can win over the wickedness of addiction. However, you may have a much better idea so feel free to be creative.
I will be sending the pot on Tuesday October 17, so you can begin Monday October 23.
Thank you so much for your cooperation in this campaign. May it truly inspire each of your women and may God give us the answers to our prayers."
Cascade's Women's retreat:
"Our Retreat was fantastic - we did have 240 women - can you believe it! Sheri Rose Shepherd was an excellent speaker and our ladies loved her. We have had such beautiful notes back from our officers. Eagle Crest in Redmond, Oregon is such a neat retreat center. Big conference center, restaurants, golf course, recreation center, lodge and then numerous houses and condos that are timeshares which are rented out by Eagle Crest. DHQ had two houses - 11 of us in one and 12 in the other. Many of the corps ended up in two houses as well. 20+ from Portland Tab and Moore Street. We had such a good response from our corps. The Gresham ladies stay an additional day and had such a great time. We have over 50 moms and daughters (took a picture)...we had several teenagers and early 20 year olds, plus several seniors. Three retired officers came, Millie Lum, Delores Austin, and Carol Pontsler. They had such a great time and we so much fun together.
We had a wonderful response on Sunday morning - the altar was filled. Of course, our theme was "His Princess". Sheri shared that there were four types of princesses: Princess Powerful, Princess Perfect, Princess Peaceful and Princess Party Girl. Each of the ladies discovered where they fit. We were to answer the question"How do others feel about themselves after they spent time with me? Do they feel encouraged or discouraged, am I a bearer of bad news or good news, how do my children and spouse feel, am I a loyal friend, do I bless others, etc. Several of our corps officers spent time Saturday evening with their ladies defining their gifts, asking the tough question to others in the group, listening to how others felt after time spent with each other, etc. Some wonderful times of honesty, tears, repentance and reconciliation. Wow - Sunday morning, people were so excited to share. We had so many giving popcorn testimonies - we went over our time - which was terrific. Several shared that they had hit a wall, and the wall had come tumbling down. Others found Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior for the very first time.
From our "Sharing Our Inheritance" workshop (leading people to Christ) we learned that we each have 250 people in our sphere of influence and 1/4 of those people want to know Christ as their Savior now.
How easy then it should be to Win One Woman to Christ this year or two or three, perhaps five, wouldn't that be fantastic. We also had our prayer pots available with the small pedals and both pots were filled with names. God is soooo good!
I know an official report will come as well as a copy of our materials, but I just had to share the good news."
We want to hear more!