Wednesday, October 18, 2006

WOW - Win One - Who Me?

WOW – Win One

Witnessing for Jesus is something that every Christian is expected to do. Witnessing or evangelism is a scary thing for most of us. Many put witnessing in the same category as public speaking or singing a solo. Yet if you think about it, witnessing should be as natural to a person saved by grace as swimming is to a fish. Saying that and practicing that are two different things. I am what they call an introverted personality. Is there anybody out there like me? I prefer to listen rather than to talk. When I walk into a room full of new people in a new place, I find a safe person or spot and stay there. It is true work for me to mingle. It is true work for me to meet my neighbors when we move to a new place. Yet, it is easy for me to pray for them from the safety of my living room. So how can you expect me to win one woman (or child or man) for Christ this year? I need a strategy.

My thoughts go to the chorus, “Jesus bids me shine with a clear pure light. Like a little candle burning in the night. In this world of darkness, we must shine, you in your small corner and I in mine.”

Where is my corner? What is my comfort zone when it comes to interacting with other people? To formulate my strategy, I need to think in terms of beginning this work of “winning one” from a position of my strengths and gifting. If witnessing for Jesus is to be a natural part of my life, it must be something I can practice everyday. I believe that everything begins with prayer. So, I pray and ask God to bring people who are unsaved or un-churched to mind. Some live far away. They will be on my prayer hit list that God will send witnesses to them. Some are in my corner or realm of daily or weekly interaction. They will be on my prayer hit list and I will ask God to help me witness to them by my life and by my words. I ask God for guidance to be a faithful witness and to be aware of His timing.

Now the supernatural part of witnessing, “Lord give me strength to obey when You tell me to say a word or share a witness. Lord, help me to be in tune with You so that when You bring a surprise person into my corner I will be a bold witness for You. Finally help me to trust You when You move me outside of my comfort zone corner and obey. God help me to be intentional about witnessing for You.”

I underlined the references to God because only God can give the boldness I need to help me be a witness for Jesus. Jesus bids me shine.

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