Tuesday, October 31, 2006

How Will WOW Happen?

We have been absolutely blessed these past ten days to have been able to escort General John Gowans around the Western Territory. He came especially for the Aggressive Christianity Conference held this past weekend in San Francisco. Then we added on to that, the retirement meeting for Bob Docter as the CSM of Pasadena Tabernacle Corps, the Sunday Night United meeting at the Long Beach Corps, Territorial Officers’ Councils and lots of travel time.

Imagine having General John Gowans captive in the car for several hours at a time. What would you ask him? What would you tell him? Well, I told him about our WOW Initiative and how it was born from a passion to see women and women’s ministry programs in the army reach their full potential for bringing others into the Kingdom of God and into The Salvation Army. Do you know what he said? He said, “WOW!” Then he asked, “How is this supposed to happen? How will the women do this?”

How would you answer those questions?

Let us hear from you.

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