Monday, December 03, 2007
Can you believe that Christmas is upon us?
Already it is December! Soon it will be Christmas day. For many children and children at heart the anticipation of the day we celebrate the birth of Christ, the ultimate Gift, cannot come soon enough. For the busy corps officers, soldiers and employees of The Salvation Army a successful Christmas Season cannot be completed soon enough. Yet, this is the time of year when more people are open to the Message and Ministry of Christ, and that should be something all Christians would want to last for a long time.
I have noticed the word "Believe" a lot this Christmas. Sometimes it is "Believe in the Magic" of Christmas. So I have come up with some M&Ms of Christmas.
Believe in the Message of Christmas - that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Believe in the Ministry of Christmas - The kettles, the bells, the food boxes, the gifts, the rest home visits, the mail appeals, the Christmas Eve services, the focus on the Advent Wreath, the speaking at Service Clubs, and the list goes on and on - all of these activities are points of ministry when we share the Love of God and help move people closer to a right relationship. This happens when we do all we do as though we were "doing it for the Lord."
Believe in the Magic of Christmas - There are a lot of great stories and traditions that come to us at this time of year. The world seems to stop and wait for something to happen. Build on that magic and that expectation to point to the real message. Jesus was God's peace offering to establish a relationship with humans. The angels sang "Peace on earth good will toward mankind." It was not a sentimental wish it was an announcement of God's plan.
Believe in the Miracle of Christmas - Watch for that moment or moments when your heart is blessed and you feel the Presence of God. It may be in the eyes of a child or an elderly person. It may be that it happens in a Sunday Service or while you are shopping. It may happen at your Christmas Center or at a Kettle. Believe and you will receive!
May God bless you and remind you how much He loves you!
Monday, November 12, 2007
For what are you thankful?
God's Grace is a good place to begin.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Our Amazing time in Tulare, CA
Praise God for the work that Captains David and Ruth Scott have accomplished for God. Praise God for the people of Tulare, California.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Yosemite Photo
Here is a shot I took while we were in Yosemite. It is October and starting to see the change in the leaves.
In the Autumn of the year when the chlorophyll departs from the leaves, you see their true colors. The chlorophyll makes the leaves appear to be green when it is active.
When you are "challenged" by life, you reveal your true colors. Are you real?
It has been a while!
Let me tell you about the WOW Initiative. It is going great. We will soon get the year end reports, but from what we see in the August reports, the year end should show a 5% increase in attendance. This is the first increase in about 10 years!
Through those years certain divisions would have the increases, but others had challenges! This year we were concerned that the blizzards in the Intermountain Division would have a very negative affect, but they worked hard to turn it around.
October has started off with a bad effect on Southern California and Sierra Del Mar with its horrible fires. The corps are working hard to provide relief to those who were evacuated from their homes and those who lost their homes in these fires. God bless those officers, soldiers and volunteers!
More to come!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Grand Canyon memories
"Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy Name in all the earth..." Psalm 8:1
The rocks, trees, mountains and skies display His splendor.
"What is man that Thou dost take thought of him? And the son of man, that Thou dost care for him?" Psalm 8:4
Wow, just to think that God, the God of all creation, loves me.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Grand Canyon, North Rim Vacation
Hello from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Well actually it is hello from me and here are some pictures I was able to take while on vacation at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. We were also at Zion national park on this trip. It was hot, but beautiful! It is so amazing to see God's handiwork. To know that He set things in order so that the views of this beauty is ever changing yet remains the same.
Psalm 19 tells us that nature declares the wonders of God. WOW! He is the Wonder of Wonders!
This beautiful deer and it's companion reminded me of the verse, "as the deer pants for the water...that is the way my soul longs for you." It also reminded me of the book Hind's Feet on High Places. If you could have seen the path up the side of the canyon, you would have been amazed that the deer find their way!
As you go through the summer months, may God bless and keep you all safe. May His grace cause you to grow and increase in your spiritual life. Take time to thank God for His blessings.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Walking on Water
Sometimes the impossible sounding tasks are just a matter of perspective. Here we are literally waling on water in Alaska in March of this year. (Can you look at this picture and say "Global Warming" without smiling?)
A thought for today. "With God, all things are possible."
What limits you from walking on water?
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
A Woman Warrior Goes Home
Dutch Social Worker Dies
Associated Press Writer
June 25, 2007, 5:07 PM EDT
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -- Alida Bosshardt, who spent more than 50 years working for the Salvation Army and established a center in Amsterdam's Red Light District for prostitutes and drug addicts, died Monday, the Christian organization said. She was 94.
Salvation Army spokeswoman Hella van der Schoot said Bosshardt died of old age. "She had heart troubles and kidney problems," she said.
Bosshardt joined the Salvation Army in 1934 and was instructed to work with women in the city's Red Light District shortly after the end of World War II.
She established a "Goodwill" center in the district that eventually became a place where a wide range of troubled people came for shelter and social services -- prostitutes and their children, the homeless and drug addicts.
She retired in 1978 at age 65, but continued volunteering and attending public gatherings until shortly before her death.
Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende praised Bosshardt's "wisdom, love, and compassion" on national television Monday, and the Royal House said Queen Beatrix was "moved" by her death.
Among Bosshardt's many awards were a knighthood in the Netherlands' Order of Oranje Naussau in 2004. The Israeli Holocaust museum gave her a "Righteous Among the Nations" award for helping Jewish children during the war, often riding them on her bicycle to homes where they would go into hiding.
"I'm in God's service to serve people," Bosshardt said once when receiving an award. "All honor goes to him, not me."
WOW What do you mean?
Confession, I love words and their meaning. Take the words WOW and Initiative for example:
Etymology of the Word Wow
Wow -1513, Scottish interjection, a natural expression of amazement. The verb meaning "overwhelm with delight or amazement" is first recorded 1924, American English slang used as a noun meaning "unqualified success" since 1920.
Wow is a word used to express strong emotion. Words used to help explain the meaning of wow include, incredible, amazing, awesome, a winner, and sensation.
The WOW Initiative of the
We already have the structure and the tools to accomplish great things for God. Now we need the will and the desire to do something.
Initiative is the ability and tendency to initiate, to start an action, including coming up with a proposal and putting it into action.
The success of WOW Initiative depends on individuals to choose to answer the challenge and to act on it. The vision has been cast by our leader. How will we respond?
Women overcoming World (values and behaviors) to win other women for Jesus sake!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Do you remember?
There is a Welcome Here
These groups are designed to be out reach groups, but quite often human nature kicks in and they become close knit - closed to the new - types of groups. (Us four and no more? What a bore!)
If a group really has "growth" in mind they will be aware of group dynamics that can freeze out the new comers. (Us ten so let's begin...)
WOW! Women of the Word, Winning Other Women for Christ. Why only Women? Get their families too!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Language of Love
Monday, June 18, 2007
WOW and Bonnets
WOW! More Than A Week Later!
As the corps pray and seek God about what He wants them to do in their efforts to Win Other Women for the Kingdom and The Salvation Army, perhaps it will be the women of the corps who sponsor a 24/7 Prayer Room for a week or even a month. Perhaps a group of women will commit to pray a certain hour each day as they connect with this prayer effort.
God is doing something mighty and I want to be a part of it. How about you? Do you want to be in front of this tsunami wave of revival being ushered in by the Spirit of God? Do you want to be a leader in this movement or are you satisfied to sit by and watch? It is a challenge laid out before us all.
The Program Department is circulating the book Red Moon Rising, by Pete Greig and Dave Roberts. When it comes your way, be sure to read it. If you do not see a copy soon, check it out at your library or buy a copy. This tsunami wave of the Holy Spirit is not just beginning. We can point to the 1970s when books like What Happens When Women Pray by Evelyn Christensen appeared as best sellers. We can look at 1989 when the church read a fictional book by Frank Peretti called Piercing the Darkness and were stirred up to pray in a way they had not prayed before. The 24/7 movement began in 1999 along with several other amazing prayer groups. I was privileged to be a part of an emerging prayer group in
If you have been a Christian for a while, (20 or more years), think back to how God has been pushing us to pray. The WOW Initiative emerged from a vision planted in the heart of Commissioner Pat Swyers, our Territorial President of Women’s ministries. (
WOW – Why Only Women? We won’t just stop with the women! WOW should go after the souls of men, women and children. Pete Greig tells us that in the
Friday, June 15, 2007
WOW It takes a "village"
Our own Anne Calvo joined in with the officers and cadets to portray her favorite Salvation Army character Lt. Colonel Alida Bosshardt. Colonel Bosshardt is an amazing woman who began the Salvation Army's work with the prostitutes in the red light district. Check out this link to learn more:
Captain Cheri Currie portrayed Major Annie Smyth, another hero of the faith who was from New Zealand. Annie was mightily used by God in New Zealand and in Japan.
We also owe a great debt to our translators, Pili Martinez, Maryuli Darby, and Captain Magaly Laubach who took turns translating the meeting. Translation is an important part of our minisry in the Western Territory. As our ministry to immigrants grows, so the need for translations grows. Our Multicultural Ministries Department does a fantastic job!
Keep checking back for more updates and pictures about the WOW Celebration!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Even More on WOW Honorees!
Captain Melissa Viquez, who is stationed at the
Melissa has set the example at her corps by inviting every woman who came through the door of the corps for any reason, to come to Home League. As the ladies expressed interest in other areas, Melissa started a new Women’s Outreach group which meets on a separate day and time from her Home League. In just a few short weeks this group has grown to 25 ladies. As these two groups meet, the corps is experiencing growth in all of its programs. These women have more than 25 children, all of whom are being linked to the corps youth programs. Many of these women and children are finding a church home because of being invited to the Home League. A corps that was ready to be closed is growing and much of that can be attributed to the faithfulness of the Corps Officer accepting and modeling the challenge to Win One Woman for Christ! WOW! God is good.
Del Oro
Major Candi Frizzell wrote, “When I think of the one woman in the Del Oro Division who “Wow’s me” with her steadfastness, her commitment and her heart for ministry with women, it is Linda Rodriguez. Although a Captain in The Salvation Army with many tasks already required of her, she has been quick to make women’s ministries a priority in the three appointments she has been in since I have known her.”
You may ask, “How does she DO it?” The answer is simple. In each new community she begins with personal contacts. Bible Studies, craft classes, lots of fun and fellowship are soon to follow.
Captain Linda Rodriguez is also inspirational to other corps officers. She is quick to invite other corps to attend her women’s ministries programs, which has been helpful to younger and more inexperienced officers.
Linda Rodriguez was chosen to be recognized as a woman Worthy of a Ward because she is a woman who cares for other women, and wants then to be won into the Kingdom. She has shown this by her attitude, fortitude and dedication to the task. The Del Oro Division is blessed by her. The women she ministers to feel the same way.
Cascade Division
"Ligia Ambriz came to the Salvation Army Caldwell, ID Corps with her husband and family in 2003. Eager to bring women of the
Seeing the fruit of one's labor is rare, but Ligia has been blessed to witness God's work in the lives of this family. She humbly gives Christ Jesus her Lord all the glory for the work He has done."
Major Georgia Steele has been a Home League member for 50 years, but her passion for the fourfold program has never wavered. She has always viewed the Home League as a ministry, not just a program to be done. She believes it to be a great avenue for proclaiming the Gospel to women of all walks of life. She has a devotion to make every program an exceptional program.
It is a natural thing for her to invite others to Home League. Recently while at Senior Camp she invited women who attended and live in her area to attend Home League. One of these women came and has since fallen in love with Home League and has begun to invited others.
Her joyful example is the same in the home, church, and public. She says her love for God is what inspires her to live and work for Him. She has a humble, servant attitude. She is a woman filled with God’s grace and it is evident to those around her.
More on WOW Honorees
More on WOW Honorees
Northwest - Name of Honoree: Bremerton, Washington Women’s Ministries Groups.
Corps officer Major Marcia Baker reports that the women’s ministries groups in
The women are a very loving and caring group of people. The women’s ministries groups consist of Home League, a Quilting group and a Bible Study group. They support and encourage each other by visits to each other’s homes; telephone conversations, working together on projects, and seeing women grow in their walk with Christ.
The new members have come through a variety of avenues, such as being invited by a friend, through volunteering at the Corps and through the Neighborhood “Nites” Friday Nights program, which is an outreach program for the Corps.
They are active, enthusiastic, fun loving women who love the Lord, enjoy getting into His word and are enjoying blessings beyond which they could ask or think about. They give God great praise and thanksgiving for the growth going on in their women’s groups.
The Honoree from the Intermountain Division was Barb Fenner. Barb originally came to the South Valley Corps social service office seeking financial assistance. She was invited to participate in the Life Builder's Seminar. After which she was hired by the corps as a temporary office employee for the Christmas season. She got to know corps women, who invited her to their women's craft group. While Barb attended this group, she expressed her frustrations about her spiritual life and the women invited her to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, assuring her that she would find it a blessing. She did.
As her friendships grew she began attending the corps on a regular basis eventually bringing others.
As a part-time employee and single mom, Barb faces financial challenges every month, but she always finds ways to give to those around her. Barb helps wherever she sees a need: whether it is with the women's ministry, filling a gap in the nursery, or helping with Children's Church. She has a special place in her heart for teenagers and they respond openly to her love. Barb has been blessed by
Under the leadership of Lieutenant Mary Rose Silk, the Home League has reached out to women in their community in so many ways. The ladies have gone the extra mile to look for opportunities of service. Their primary goal is to reach those who do not attend church and who do not know the Lord Jesus as their personal savior. During the first half of this year, they have witnessed 12 first time seekers, 41 re-dedications, and 33 adherents added to their rolls.
Their most effective method of reaching out to new women has been visitation! The HL has divided into outreach groups some of whom visit in hospitals and some who visit in private homes. Twenty six families just since October have been linked to the Army because of these visits!
Whether it is participating in a community clean up effort, a sewing project, a visitation, or regular meetings, the women of the Laura Home League are “Women of Warfare,” who fight for the souls of women.
More on the WOW Celebration
More on the WOW Celebration
Another highlight of the WOW Celebration was when we were able to honor women for their efforts to Win Other Women for Christ during the first six months of the WOW Initiative. For some of these women, the Home League and Women’s Ministries fundamentals are a life style. The fundamentals of Salvation Army women’s programs are:
- Win others for Christ
- Help them grow and mature as Christians
- Reach their families and friends
- Link them with the corps
- Enroll new Soldiers and Adherents – engaging them in the saving of souls
Three divisions nominated groups as their honorees and seven nominated individuals. The stories are exciting.
The Southwest division nominated the Tucson South Home League:
The ladies of this Home League have taken the initiative to “Win One Woman” very seriously. In answer to the call, they started “Women’s Victory,” an outreach program that meets twice a week. They noticed several trailer parks in the community that were full of families who needed help in a variety of ways. They taught classes on nutrition, child care, crafts and cooking. But their underlying purpose was to teach the women how to love God with all their heart, mind and soul. (This sounds like a page out of history!)
As weeks passed a transformation was evident in the lives of the thirty-six (36) families residing in the park. Lidia, one of the Home League ladies involved in this ministry, testified: “...The ladies learn different things every visit and we have noticed a significant change in the attitudes, not only of the ladies, but of the entire Trailer Park Community. The ladies are getting along much better and even the children have gained respect toward others and to each other...Their homes have been reformed for they have received God in their Hearts.”
Many of these ladies have been enrolled as Home League members, and now are excited about sharing what they have learned with others. It is the goal of the Home League to start at least one more of these outreach Ministries so that many more persons can come to know Christ as their Savior. WOW!! To God be the Glory for these Women of Witness!
Southern California
Captain Jill Steiner, corps officer of the
Captain Jill Steiner says about her WOW Group,
“Why did I choose this outreach? The idea came from the outcry of the women themselves at the Hospitality House. When the WOW Initiative was first introduced, my husband and I were doing a weekly chapel at the Hospitality House and after chapel; we had people who stayed for personal prayer for struggles they were facing in their lives. I prayed with many women who struggled daily with shame, guilt, abandonment and trust issues that stemmed from abuse, abortion, divorce, loss of their children and more. Many had chosen alcohol and/or drugs to relieve their pain which lead them down a worse path. When they enter our transitional living center, most are desperate, homeless and see no hope for a brighter future.”
“Women Of Worth seemed like the perfect channel through which to show these women their worth and offer them the hope of Salvation, forgiveness and peace. All it takes is a little of our time, reading and sharing God's Word, praying for their needs and showing them Jesus through our witness. Nothing could be more rewarding than seeing hope fill the eyes of someone where there was once despair and hopelessness.” Dear Friends, I am proud to present Captain Jill Steiner.
Recently, for the Bring One Woman event at
She is a Sunbeam teacher, Junior Church/Junior Soldier teacher and assistant corps treasurer. As a key leader in the corps, Christina has realized the importance of following up a special event with great weekly programming. She believes that if weekly meeting are done well the women will return again and again until Home League becomes a good habit. This shows that Christina is a Woman of Wisdom. Her dedicated service to the corps and community makes her a stand-out woman, worthy of award!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
WOW Celebration Red Carpet
You will hear more and see more pictures in the days to come. One of the fun things of the day was the arrival through the front gate. Our WOW Celebrities were greeted at the gates by our fantastic Hallelujah Bouncers and a Red Carpet! The entry of the Anaheim Grove is built to look like an "Awards"Set. There were historical Salvation Army Characters to greet and encounter the women. Everyone should have felt welcomed!
Stay tuned for more on the WOW. Look at previous posts to see pictures of the Banners and the different Representatives in costume!
Here is an old picture for history sake!
Southern California had five representatives in costume. The first costume represents the "surfer girl” whose playful side can be seen in all of us. The second (and third) costumes represent the military - where women have bravely served for years. We greatly appreciate those who are serving their country and keep them in our prayers. The fourth costume represents Queen Esther - who was a wise woman. The last costume represents the place called
Banners THQ
Banners Southwest
Banners Southern California
I sure hope you took time to get up during lunch to go see this beauty!
Women of Wisdom! Women of the Word.
Banners Sierra del Mar
Sierra del Mar - From the mountains to the ocean, the Wonderful Women of the Sierra del Mar Division are busy Wielding our Weapons of love against hurt, Weighing our Words against ignorance, Waging Our War against need.
Here is the lovely Sally Stickly with the banner. Notice her bow from the BOW (Bring Other Women) rally.
Banners Northwest
Northwest women are “Women of Worth”, who love the Lord and serve Him faithfully in the beauty and majesty of Gods creation - The Great Northwest - God's country.
Isn't this beautiful. Looks like one that can be used again at Family Camp! Hey, I get to go to their Family Camp. I will get to see it up close.
Banners Intermountain
The women of
Did you notice the birthday cake at the bottom of the picture?
Banners Golden State
Golden State - The women from
Golden State has seen a great harvest from the promotion of the WOW Initiative. During the first five months of 2007, Major Evelyn Chavez visited almost every corps and enrolled new Home League members.
Banners Del Oro
Banners Crestmont
Banners Continued
Cascade - In true "Pioneer" spirit, the Cascade Division is full of “Women of Wonder" ~ Women who are willing to yield themselves to the amazing and wonderful transformation that God can do in their lives.
Here is a picture of the banner representing the ARCC. It gives a lovely look of a person rising up from the past and becoming a person who knows victory in Jesus.
Adult Rehabilitation Centers Command - ARC women celebrate Wonderful Opportunities Working for Jesus. Every clean and sober day is a miracle for those who were enslaved to their chemical addictions. The women officers working with these miracles are blessed to Watch over Winners.
WOW Celebration Report Continued
Banners and Bonnets!
WOW Celebration Report continues. After Catherine asked who could tell what was going on today, Commissioner Pat Swyers, President of Women’s Ministries in the
Monday, June 11, 2007
Monday after continued (read the other one first)
Monday after WOW Celebration continued. Here is the dialog from the script. It contains the lovely solo performed by Lt. Colonel Diane O’Brien.
Catherine Booth: “Good morning ladies, I am Catherine Booth and it is a pleasure to be with you all today.”
“This gathering is an example of God working in The Salvation Army. Many years ago I had a dream, that I know was from God. I dreamed of a movement where women could take their place in proclaiming the gospel, when Satan would no longer be able to keep the vibrant witness of women shut up in the nursery, school room and scullery. I dreamed that women would become a great force for God that would make a difference in this world. Today, as you celebrate the different aspects of this vital ministry of women, as well as ministry to women, you celebrate a fulfillment of this dream.”
“It is hard to believe that 100 years ago, my daughter-in-law,
“How can these chains of sin be broken? Some of our Salvation Army Lassies went into the slums, cellars, garrets, and gutters to tell them about the Hope of the World. This is what they did.”
Solo – It’s Jesus We Proclaim
John Gowans and John Larsson
It’s not ourselves that we proclaim,
We have no strength, no grace is ours,
But we announce the Savior’s name,
A Savior’s love, a Savior’s powers.
It’s Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we proclaim,
No claim for ourselves we make.
It’s Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we proclaim,
Your servants for Jesus sake.
The pow’r is His, the glory too,
Transforming glory, making new
The heart of man, of me and you.
It’s Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we proclaim,
Your servants for Jesus sake.
That light has come, the night has gone,
We’ve proved His love, received His grace,
For in our hearts God’s light has shone,
His glory shines in Jesus’ face.
It’s Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we proclaim,
No claim for ourselves we make.
It’s Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we proclaim,
Your servants for Jesus sake.
The pow’r is His, the glory too,
Transforming glory, making new
The heart of man, of me and you.
It’s Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we proclaim,
Your servants for Jesus sake.
The pow’r is His, how could we boast,
Or proudly our commission hold?
The humble heart He uses most,
And only grace has made us bold.
It’s Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we proclaim,
No claim for ourselves we make.
It’s Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we proclaim,
Your servants for Jesus sake.
The pow’r is His, the glory too,
Transforming glory, making new
The heart of man, of me and you.
It’s Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we proclaim,
Your servants for Jesus sake.
“These poor women living in dark and over-crowded cities were hungry for light and salvation. When their hearts were clean, they saw with fresh eyes how dirty were their hands and homes. Some could not read, or only just, and did not know how to make ends meet. They wanted to live a different kind of life – to be clean and wholesome. The Home League meetings became not only a place to share about salvation and fellowship, a sanctuary for weary souls, Home League meetings became the place of education as we taught those women to read and write. We taught them how to cook and budget and sew – the basic skills of home making which would help women to raise healthy and whole children. The Home League was a school where we taught the Word of God and ways to help make their world a better place to live.”
“The goal of The Salvation Army was develop the Home League into a group that would minister to the whole person. We started with the soul, which is the place where all real change starts. That leads to a longing for a change in what we do with our body, God’s temple, how we use our mind and in how we treat other people. I think you know this as the four fold purpose of the Home League: Worship, Education, Fellowship and Service. Our Home League meetings were designed to be a place where transformation begins.”
“What about today? What are Salvation Army women doing today? Who can give me an answer?”
There's Got to be a Monday After
My Saturday started at 4:50 when the alarm went off to tell me it was time to get up and get ready for a WOW day. Lt. Colonel Diane O'Brien traveled with me. Diane and I arrived at the Anaheim Grove at 6:00 to find that Majors Ivy and Ralph Hood, Major Pam Strickland, Majors Rose-Marie and Victor Leslie and the rest of our set up team were already there. (The flower crew had been there since 4:45.)
Major Ivy had called a friend who donated the flowers. WE will post pictures later, but imagine thousands of white roses and white about the WOW effect!
Time flew by as we sorted out all of our jobs, oriented all of the groups of women that were helping with the different tasks (Hallelujah Bouncers, Hallelujah Lassies, women dressed as historical characters, volunteer photographers - Jim and Peg Thompson, our director Barry Frost, our fabulous Josh Cowing, Richard Brown and Martin Hunt from the program department, Doug Williams from SC, our translators,
the crew from the Anaheim Grove, our main cast members, Commissioner Pat Swyers, Lt. Colonel Diane O'Brien (Catherine), and Major Dawn Rocheleau...all arrived on tine and ready to roll.
There was a moment or two when I thought I was going to be "undone" but God's Grace prevailed and we got started on time.
At 10:30 we had the entry of the leaders where we hoped the toes of our delegates would tap and their hands would clap. (That was the only time I really got to say hi to some of our wonderful Women of Wisdom. The leaders were introduced and we went to the next phase of the program.
Pictures of Catherine Booth, the "mother" of our army were on screen. The last two were of Lt. Colonel Diane O'Brien "morphed" to look like Catherine. The last picture dissolved into a video of Catherine coming alive and greeting the women. (WOW) Then Catherine came alive on stage in the person of Diane O'Brien. She spoke to us and explained how life was in London in the early day. "The water was so foul that it was thought safer to drink gin...broken hopeless women handed down gin to their children...could anything stop the cycle? The good news of God's Salvation was preached to them and they believed...
She went on to explain that with new spiritual eyes they saw how dirty their hand were and wanted to change. The Home League was begun to teach them how to clean up and how to be mothers, wives and women who made a difference in their community.
That is still happening today. God is still changing the lives of women today! That is what we celebrated at WOW. Stay tuned for more on what happened at WOW!
Monday, May 28, 2007
WOW Celebration is Sold Out!
WOW! Not one ticket left for this Saturday, June 9, 2007 event! We expanded to 1100 from 1000 and we are full to over flowing. Now, count down the days with us as we daily pray for God's special blessings to over flow on this day. We are working on last minute details to be sure everything is covered and the "surprises" are the ones we planned and know about.
If you are not able to be with us we will have coverage for this event in the New Frontier and in the War Cry. Please pray for all who will be attending. Ask God to give us eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts that will respond to His Holy Spirit.
If you will be one of those 1100 who will attend, pray that all goes well with the facility, the sound system, the video, the food, those leading, and all the participants. Pray for health and safety of all involved.
Pray for Barry Frost, Guy Noland, Josh Cowing, Richard Brown, Bud Horowitz, Ivor Bosanko, Neil Smith, their families, the wonderful support staff of the Anaheim Grove, and the florist. Pray for the Hallelujah Lassies, the Cadets, Major Rose-Marie Leslie, Anne Calvo, Major Ivy Hood, Major Pam Strickland, Major Joan Doughty, Commissioner Pat Swyers, and Commissioner Heather Lang. Pray for Major Dawn Rocheleau, and Lt. Colonel Diane O'Brien. Pray for the THQ Women Officers, the officers and soldiers who will be our musicians, and for those moving the items to and from the Anaheim Grove. Pray for those who will travel any distance to get there. You see there is a lot to pray for in preparing for this event.
We want those who attend this WOW Celebration to "Sell Out" to Jesus - give their all to God and live for Him. We want those who attend the WOW Celebration to be full and overflowing with the Spirit of God. We want them to come with a happy and positive spirit that will allow God to bless us.
Women of the Word, remember to Win Other Women for Jesus sake!
Thank you for your prayers.
Debi Bell
Monday, May 21, 2007
Don't you wish you were there?
Women's Ministries camp in Hawaii? Here is what Major Jonnette Mulch said about it:
To Live
2007 women’s Ministry Camp
To live… what do we think of when we think of living? April 20-22nd the women of
To live - At the Feet of God- Our base camp experience. We were challenged by Major Jean Harris to consider having the courage to begin our accent into the mountains. Using references from “Hinds Feet on High Places” by Hannah Hurnard Major Jean allowed us to think of Much Afraid and how she had to leave her family and life in the valley to begin her accent to the High Places with the Shepherd. We also heard from the Book of John chapter 12 where Mary sits at Jesus’ feet anointing them with expensive perfume, while Martha served them. We were challenged to decide if we are more like Mary or Martha, are we willing to sit at the feet of Jesus? We were invited to pour out perfumed oil into a bowl as a symbol that we were ready for the weekend. Can you think of a better place to begin than at the feet of Jesus? This was followed by a time of getting to know your hiking buddies! A fun game time where the ladies were served specialty coffee latte drinks, Italian sodas, and their choice of brownies, warm apple pie, or sugar cookies! Yummy!
To Live - in the Palm of His Hand! This time segment gave us prayer opportunities and was offered both Saturday and Sunday mornings! We had everything from beach walk and foot washing to small group prayer, sealed orders, praying the scriptures, meditation through praise music, and prayers of healing.
To live - in His shadow! This was an eye opening time of getting a better picture of the Territorial Project of Human Trafficking. A short video was put together by Janniese Mulch using pictures and testimonials of this issue. It was placed to the song by Chris Rice, “Come to Jesus” What a moving video with encouraged many to give even more for this project through the sales of the baskets.
To live - in His strength! We were inspired by different leaders in workshops of our choosing to find our strength in God and God alone!
To live in - His Joy! A time to sell our wares, learn a new craft and enjoy the old-time music of the jamboree band. Many of us raised money from our sales to benefit the territorial project.
To live - in celebration! What a fun time to listen and celebrate our women from watching past photos and hearing about all the different events happening in our corps across
To live - in His Glory! Again we were challenged by Major Jean Harris to live with courage and faith as she gave reference again to Much Afraid and how her name was changed to “Grace and Glory” once she reached the top of the mountain. 2 Corinthians 4 speaks of having our purpose be for Him alone, God is the one Who makes us who we are and we have a job to do as Christians – for His glory!
To live - with a new purpose is what was received by many from this wonderful weekend. We so enjoyed the Visiting Leaders, Majors Ian and Jean Harris, as well as all the extras that were provided, entertainment and workshops, prayer walks, and encouragement between friends – the whole weekend has taught us how to live again!