More on the WOW Celebration
Another highlight of the WOW Celebration was when we were able to honor women for their efforts to Win Other Women for Christ during the first six months of the WOW Initiative. For some of these women, the Home League and Women’s Ministries fundamentals are a life style. The fundamentals of Salvation Army women’s programs are:
- Win others for Christ
- Help them grow and mature as Christians
- Reach their families and friends
- Link them with the corps
- Enroll new Soldiers and Adherents – engaging them in the saving of souls
Three divisions nominated groups as their honorees and seven nominated individuals. The stories are exciting.
The Southwest division nominated the Tucson South Home League:
The ladies of this Home League have taken the initiative to “Win One Woman” very seriously. In answer to the call, they started “Women’s Victory,” an outreach program that meets twice a week. They noticed several trailer parks in the community that were full of families who needed help in a variety of ways. They taught classes on nutrition, child care, crafts and cooking. But their underlying purpose was to teach the women how to love God with all their heart, mind and soul. (This sounds like a page out of history!)
As weeks passed a transformation was evident in the lives of the thirty-six (36) families residing in the park. Lidia, one of the Home League ladies involved in this ministry, testified: “...The ladies learn different things every visit and we have noticed a significant change in the attitudes, not only of the ladies, but of the entire Trailer Park Community. The ladies are getting along much better and even the children have gained respect toward others and to each other...Their homes have been reformed for they have received God in their Hearts.”
Many of these ladies have been enrolled as Home League members, and now are excited about sharing what they have learned with others. It is the goal of the Home League to start at least one more of these outreach Ministries so that many more persons can come to know Christ as their Savior. WOW!! To God be the Glory for these Women of Witness!
Southern California
Captain Jill Steiner, corps officer of the
Captain Jill Steiner says about her WOW Group,
“Why did I choose this outreach? The idea came from the outcry of the women themselves at the Hospitality House. When the WOW Initiative was first introduced, my husband and I were doing a weekly chapel at the Hospitality House and after chapel; we had people who stayed for personal prayer for struggles they were facing in their lives. I prayed with many women who struggled daily with shame, guilt, abandonment and trust issues that stemmed from abuse, abortion, divorce, loss of their children and more. Many had chosen alcohol and/or drugs to relieve their pain which lead them down a worse path. When they enter our transitional living center, most are desperate, homeless and see no hope for a brighter future.”
“Women Of Worth seemed like the perfect channel through which to show these women their worth and offer them the hope of Salvation, forgiveness and peace. All it takes is a little of our time, reading and sharing God's Word, praying for their needs and showing them Jesus through our witness. Nothing could be more rewarding than seeing hope fill the eyes of someone where there was once despair and hopelessness.” Dear Friends, I am proud to present Captain Jill Steiner.
Recently, for the Bring One Woman event at
She is a Sunbeam teacher, Junior Church/Junior Soldier teacher and assistant corps treasurer. As a key leader in the corps, Christina has realized the importance of following up a special event with great weekly programming. She believes that if weekly meeting are done well the women will return again and again until Home League becomes a good habit. This shows that Christina is a Woman of Wisdom. Her dedicated service to the corps and community makes her a stand-out woman, worthy of award!
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