Saturday, March 17, 2007


In the General's letter to every Salvationist he writes:

I am writing to fellow Salvationists in the weeks leading to Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the period often referred to (in English) as Lent. It is a time when we prepare to commemorate the self-giving of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary. We want to arrive at Good Friday in a spiritual condition that allows us to obtain maximum benefit from everything that is remembered on that solemn day. It is the same for the celebrations of Easter Day.

Therefore, as the weeks now pass by, I invite all Salvationists to think of victory. Let us think together of all that has been won for us by Jesus. ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory’ (1 Corinthians 15:54). Jesus has done this for us. Death has been defeated: ‘Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death is your sting?’ (15:55). Let the Army give thanks together to God for he ‘gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (15:57).

The following phrases from familiar songs come to mind:
Victory! Write it on our banners, get it on our knees - Victory!

Victory in Jesus.

The WOW Initiative is about Victory. Win One Woman, Win Our World. That is victory over the enemy in that every person won for Jesus is one less the enemy has. All Christians are expected to share the Gospel and praise God when we are the one's chosen to lead some one out of darkness in to light. How exciting it is when we lead someone from defeat into victory.

Have you won one for Jesus sake yet?

Get excited about Victory. Don't wallow in defeat - get on your knees and pray for victory!

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