Friday, September 15, 2006

Everybody Should Know!

This chorus has been running through my mind. “Everybody should know. I’ve found such a wonderful Saviour that everybody should know.” Have you ever made a wonderful discovery that you cannot wait to share with others?

Jean Bauer, our new administrative assistant in the Women’s Department, asked me if I have ever heard of a product called Goo Gone. “Yes!” I replied enthusiastically, “It really works.” We talked about its good smell and other attributes that makes it a great product. This is not an advertisement for a product, just an example of casual conversation that leads to either a discovery or a conformation about a discovery. Maybe it will help serve as a reminder to talk about our wonderful Saviour.

The lead in could be something like, “Have you ever heard about Sin Gone or Joy Giver?” (Depending on the context of the relationship you have or the need of the person you are sharing with.) “Sin Gone, what is that?” “It is a wonderful discovery I have made and I think everyone should know. You see all of us, no matter how good we try to be have broken God’s law and that separates us from God. That is bad news. We try to have a clean record, but we mess up. The good news is that God sent His Son, Jesus, to take away our sin and give us a clean record so that we can have a relationship with God…”

Win one woman for Christ this year. Ask God to show you who you need to win and how to win them.

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