Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What Have I Accomplished?

It happened again. I was in the middle of my prayer time and lifting up names of family and friends who are either unsaved or not in fellowship with God. Some of these I have been praying for a long time. The thought occurred to me, “what difference has my prayers and witnessing made?” Then my mind wandered as I started to question what I have accomplished in my life at all. Sure I have been an officer for 29 years, but what lasting changes have occurred as a result of my ministry. Have I had any impact for the Kingdom of God? My thoughts began to spiral downward because I did not feel that I could point to any one accomplishment. Then God intervened and reminded me that what I have accomplished for His Kingdom is not as important as what He has accomplished through me. Some of those accomplishments, I may never remember or even know. I found comfort in that truth. I also found a new energy to serve God as His chosen vessel. Trust and obey and let God worry about the results. At least for another day.

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