Can you remember the first person who led you to a believing faith in Jesus? I think it was my Mom. My earliest memories include her telling me about Jesus and praying with my older sister and me every night before we went to bed. I remember her taking us to Church and Sunday School. Then as life became more complicated for her she stopped going, but made sure we went. As a single mom trying to raise five children in the sixties, the best paying job she could find was to work as a bar tender for a female bar owner. She felt this “disqualified” her as a “respectable” church member. Then she got out of the habit of going. When she changed jobs and began to work as a manager of a convenience store, she worked seven days a week. Mom has had a lot of challenges to her faith. She has returned to her strong faith and is now one of my strongest prayer supporters.
The picture of my sister and me was take before we went to church one Easter. I was three and Arlene was four.
There were certain key points in my life when God used people to say and do just the right thing that helped me grow in my relationship with God as He worked out my salvation. That is why I am convinced many people contribute to bringing us to Jesus and so that we can experience Salvation. Salvation is a moment in time decision and a life time process. Jesus saves me and continues to save me every day of my life. This truth is hard for a finite mind to grasp much less explain. (Many theologians have argued the process and would disagree with the simple term I just used.)
There are a lot of people on my list: I praise God for Majors Dick and Martha Beaver, who were my first corps officers. They expressed the love of God to our family by being there for us. Because of their commitment to the Lord, I realized my call to be and officer. (They helped me learn that God could even use someone like me if I surrendered everything to Him.) I thank God for Majors Ron and Donna Wendt who were there for me when I needed to mature in my relationship with Jesus. Lt. Colonels Chris and Jani Buchanan helped mold me as a creative thinker. My prayer warrior friends bump into me and keep me on track. My husband’s self discipline and integrity have helped shape my core values. Writers, speakers and friends have contributed to the improvement of my understanding of spiritual things.
Some people have planted seeds, some have watered them, some have even added the fertilizer – many people have contributed to who I am today and who I am becoming. Daily I thank God for the faithful servants who have worked for Him by contributing to my life. Ultimately I thank God for the ONE who gave His life to win my salvation. I am won by ONE. He will work through me to Win others.
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