Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Toothless Religion
It could be a jingle for a commercial for Agressive Christianity.
By the way, have you heard of the Agressive Christianity Conference that will be held this October in San Francisco? The it is one of the many great events dreamed up by the Western Territorial Youth Department. It was advertised in the New Frontier. For more information check with your corps, division or territorial headquarters.
So are you tired of living a life that could be described as toothless religion? That would be a life of spiritual compromise and defeat rather than spiritual victory that overcomes the world. Do you want to make a difference for Jesus in this world and in The Salvation Army? Perhaps attending the Agressive Christianity Conference will be your solution.
"Opposition! It is a bad sign for the Christianity of this day that it provokes so little opposition. If there were no other evidence of it being wrong, I should know from that. When the Church and the world can jog along comfortably together, you may be sure there is something wrong. The world has not altered. Its spirit is the same as it ever was, and if Christians were equally faithful and devoted to the Lord, and seperated from the world, living so that their lives were a reproof to all ungodliness, the world would hate them as much as it ever did. It is the Church that has altered, not the world."
She goes on to say, "'What a commotion!' you say. Yes; and, bless God, if we had the like now we should have thousands of sinners saved...We should always be in collision with the world."
I am a peace maker and that kind of thinking makes me uncomfortable and convicted. I think that living a holy life means that everyone will love me and be drawn to the Christ I serve. Yes, I know the "world" hated Jesus so it will hate me. So I guess I'd better gear up to be in the "world's" face. Loving the sinners and hating the sin is such a hard balance.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Ideas for WOW Groups
Weeping Over Wickedness -
This would be an intercessors' group that prays for your local community, state, nation and the world. Praying for the salvation of the lost, current issues, and for the establishment of the Kingdom of God. The members of this group would meet as a group once a month for teaching, fellowship and praise reports. During the month they will "meet" in groups of two and three either by phone, computer or in person to pray for the topics assigned and for what God places on their hearts. Women who belong to this group can be interdenominational. Pray and ask God to draw intercessors to you. Remember to practice spiritual warfare means that you must begin by having a right spirit within your heart. Then ask God to cover you, your family, your ministry, your business with His protection. Any thing that is important to you can be used to distract you so give it all to God. Make sure each member of your intercessory group does the same. There is great power in this ministry and because God can use you so powerfully, the enemy will try to distract you.
Way Over Whelmed
Ever feel so overwhelmed by life that you thought you were going to drown in your problems? Join the club. It is amazing what good things and victory can come from meeting with a couple of friends over a cup of tea and prayer. Support groups are not new, but where to meet and when - make it easy. Two or more women gathered together in a deliberate meeting can be a women's ministry group.
Walk Our Way
A walking prayer or support group could be a fun way to do ministry.
Widows Overcoming Worry
Are there widows in your corps? Do they know any widows? God has a special place in His heart for widows. Look in the Old and New Testaments. Look up scriptures about widows. Lead a Bible study about what God's Word says, then ask the group to think about an outreach to widows.
Ok, those are some of the ideas I have heard. Share some of yours.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Lighthouse Keepers Sea Changes Make A Difference

Lighthouse keepers are tasked with watching the signs of weather, birds, marine life and tides to be able to predict the changes and challenges that are approaching an area or community. These people are in tune with their surroundings and they know how to read the signs. They keep the light burning and the signals clear. People depend on them. In days gone by many a lighthouse keeper was also responsible for rescue or at least sounding the alarm when rescue was needed.
As leaders, we are to be like lighthouse keepers. We are in the business of watching the signs and reading the sea changes. (Sea changes are the events and attitudes that mark a cultural shift in society.) Once we detect the sea change, it is our duty to sound the warning and draw attention to the pending change. Unlike the lighthouse keepers of the past, we are still in the business of rescue – saving the lost is still our fundamental purpose.
WOW participants are engaged in the salvation war and know how to get others engaged. We are aware of the sea changes and sound the warning. What are the needs of the women in your community that you can respond to in a life changing way? Make a difference.
Why WOW now?
Monday, August 21, 2006
All I Need

We were at the Chinatown Corps 120 year celebration this past weekend and had a great time. I heard a victory report from Carol Abella about their VBS program. There have been a lot of VBS victory reports this summer. Carol said that in her experience they often have "church families" from other churches attend their VBS. If the parents were "pleased" with the VBS they say, "See you next year!" This year they were able to get "unchurched" children and as a result have seen new children and families attend the corps. (I have heard this from other corps in the territory.)
The other victory report from Carol is that she has enrolled 5 new Home League members in the last year. WOW!
I got this in the mail and thought it was cute:
A VBS teacher decided to have her young class memorize one of the most quoted passages in the Bible; Psalm 23. She gave the youngsters a month to learn the verse. Little Rick was excited about the task -- but, he just couldn't remember the Psalm. After much practice, he could barely get past the first line.
On the day that the kids were scheduled to recite Psalm 23 in front of the congregation, Ricky was so nervous. When it was his turn, he stepped up to the microphone and said proudly, "The Lord is my Shepherd, and that's all I need to know."
In my mind I put WM and VBS together as great outreach programs.
Win One Woman! Women who need to know the Good Shepherd - He is all we need.
Friday, August 18, 2006
WOW! Now!

The "NOW" phase begins in October 2006 when corps and ARC units through out the territory will put their plans into action. The months of October 2006 through March 2007 will be monitored and measured. We will have a territorial celebration
You may be able to tell, that I am excited about this Initiative and praying that God will use it and us for His Glory.
WOW! How?
The desired outcome is that each corps will help their women Win One Woman for Christ, the
The "How" phase:
Spend time praying and planning about what you, your corps and your community can do to reach the unsaved for Christ, the Kingdom of God, the Salvation Army and for your corps and women's groups. Ask God to help you get a vision for what He wants to do.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
“Not Worship Styles, but Outcomes”
In an article called, Three Elephants in Our Room by Gordon MacDonald found in the Leadership Journal Summer 2006 I read the following words:
Amid all the talk about contemporary and ancient/future worship, I almost never hear anyone speculate on what genuine worship ought to produce in a person or people. If it is so important, why are we vague about its results, whether short term or long term? Like everyone, I’ve been up to my ears in talk about worship styles…I’m weary of the debates. And I am a bit brittle on the subject of how long a sermon should last. The talk is about style. What’s missing is anyone asking” the right questions “What effect does true worship have upon people?” or “When a person has engaged God in worship, what changes should be expected?” “What is the difference between a person who has met God and one who has merely experienced an adrenaline high?”
He goes on to say that when he searches the Scripture, he finds many different worship styles, but more important he sees similar outcomes. When people in the Bible meet with God, they are changed.
WOW! Wonder of Wonders! Wouldn’t it be great if people could come to our WM and corps meeting, meet with God and leave changed?
To lead others you must know the way yourself. Do you enter the Presence of God in your personal devotions and prayer life? Do you expect to enter the Presence of God in public times of worship and prayer?
It seems as if we Christians have been distracted enough in the war over styles and we have missed the point. Enter into the Presence of God in private and public worship. You will be changed. The world will be changed.
Jesus is the biggest WOW of all. Wonder of Wonders!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Words of Wisdom
This past week I have enjoyed the wonderful opportunity to meet over a meal with several good women friends. On Sunday I went to lunch with two friends. One of them was one of the first “Prayer Partners” God has given to me in my officership. After training school, I was commissioned to be the assistant officer in
The three of us were enjoying a great time of fellowship. I observed about how wonderful it was to see them as sisters in Christ together as friends that day. When we were at the corps in the late 1980s, they had not been friends or enemies. They just ran in other circles in the corps. Audrey was involved in band and songsters; Dorothy was involved in Sunday School and teaching classes. We began discussing how easy it is to label people and miss out on really being blessed by getting to know them.
Today I had lunch with an old friend, Major Dawn Rocheleau, and we had a wonderful time of fellowship. She has spent most of her as an officer time in the northern
These two meal times are examples of women ministering to women. We had a need to eat. (Our felt need) The opportunity was there to go together. (More than one) Sharing of spiritual and emotional things occurred. (Ministry) Can forming a Women’s Ministry group be that simple? I think so. Now we need to expand. (Not our waist lines – please, the number we can reach by the meal time fellowships) So what now? I think I need to figure out how to report these meetings to my corps officer and encourage my friends to report these times of ministry as well. (Major Brown often meets with a group of windowed and single women after the Sunday meeting, but I don’t think she has thought to count it.)
The Red Hat Society has the secret. Wear a red hat and go out with your girlfriends for a meal or refreshments. They keep it easy and fun. I was visiting my grandmother in the rest home and discovered that she has a red hat with a purple feather. The Red Hat Society comes once a month to have “tea” with the ladies. The rest home supplies the drink and food as their regular snack time and the Red Hat Society brings hats and does a fun program. Now is that Women’s Ministries or Community Care? Whatever it is, it is easy and it is doing something. Could you start the Blue Bonnet Society in your community? Or even the White-hats On Women Society? Could it be that easy? It’s just an idea to get you thinking and praying about what you, your corps or your division could do as part of the WOW Initiative.
God designed women to need the fellowship of other women. I needed the words of wisdom that came from Dorothy when I was a young officer and I need them now. We need each other. How to capture and build on that for the
Monday, August 14, 2006
How Can I Better Serve Thee, Lord?
In a recent letter to family and friends, Lt. Colonel Jolene Hodder, the Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries in Kenya wrote the following:
"Our next stop was the
I suppose there are some who might say (pointing to the children) that a loving God must be an illusion. If God were real, they would ask, how could he allow such tragedy and pain? But by the time we left Joy-town, we saw a thousand evidences of the presence of our loving God. The smiles and laughter of the children were clear signs that they are being loved and cared for by God himself and his helpers. And the helpers are saints--smartly dressed, competent, patient, and full-of-love saints. Now each time I hear that God has taken one of these dear children home to be with Him, the women's department is going to make sure that the family can afford a proper burial, one fit for a child of the King.
We then visited the
I have to think about that...
What a challenge to serve God in a situation such as this. Yet in some ways it may be easier to serve God in the face of such obvious challenges - I wonder if it is any easier to figure out what to do for others when the challenges are obvious verses what we face in our local communities."
Think about it.
Look at Luke 4:18. Jesus read His mission statement in the words of Isaiah, the prophet:
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the down trodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”
Are there blind people in your community? Are there prisoners, captives, or down trodden? Are there people who need to hear the good news? Are there poor people? They may not be as obvious as they are in
Women’s ministries encourage you to be creative in your approach to meeting needs. Start with identifying and inviting a few godly women to join you and pray. Pray for your corps ministry and what you are already doing. Ask God to show how you can do it more effectively and how you can do more for His sake. See where God leads you and be sure to obey! You will be blessed!
Do you "get it"
Catherine Booth wrote, “I have been reading the New Testament with special reference to the aggressive spirit of Primitive Christianity, and it is wonderful what floods of light come upon you when you read the Bible with reference to any particular topic on which you are seeking help. When God sees you are panting after the light, in order that you may use it, He pours it in upon you. It is an indispensable condition of receiving light that you are willing to follow it. People say they do not see…because they do not wish to see. They are not willing to walk to it, therefore they do not get it; but those who are willing to obey shall have all the light they want.”
This insight begs us to look at our willingness to obey so that we can be among those who “get it” and go forward for Jesus sake.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Why Is It SO Hard?
It should be so simple, plan a program, and set a date and “they” will come. It works in the movies. (Field of Dreams: "Build it and they will come.") You get the inspiration and desire planted by God in your heart “to do something” to meet the needs of women in your corps and community. You battle over it with thoughts like, “I’m already too busy.” “Who will help me?” “We do not have the resources.” “I would rather not.” Then sweet surrender comes.
If God inspired it, one would think He would give instant success. Build it and they will come. So you “build it” and they don’t come. Everyone said they wanted to learn how to pray or study the Bible. You work with a group to design the content, time and place to meet. Every thing is bathed in prayer. What went wrong? How long are you supposed to preserver until you give up?
Who knows?
As I read the story of the opening of the Army’s work in
Win One Woman! Win Our World! It sounds like it should be so easy. So why is it so hard?
Who knows? Yet, this one thing I know, God has called us to do this. We must keep trying. He will grant us success. Pray now! Pray that God will prepare the way and help us to walk in it!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
WOW Materials
We have sample flyers and bulletin inserts available for you to adapt and use for your WOW Group. We also have power point shows to help advertise WOW. You may contact Lt. Colonel Debora Bell at her lotus notes address, to request this material. You may also ask for them through your DWMS. Soon you will receive WOW buttons and other information from your Divisional Headquarters. Look for WOW promotions in your report books.
Real, Living, Reigning, Triumphing, Christianity
This is what Catherine Booth called the true standard that Jesus Christ has set for us. Only this standard gives us victory over sin, the world, the flesh and Satan. The Devil knew that this standard life style was the secret of the early disciples. (The ones who turned the world upside down for Christ) Their “whole-hearted devotion, their absorbing love to Christ and their utter abnegation of the world” gave them the power to make a difference. Look at “their entire absorption in the salvation of their fellow man and the glory of God” for an example of how to live your life. This degree of devotion will defeat Satan. “Therefore the arch-enemy said, ‘What must I do? I shall be defeated. I shall lose my supremacy as god of this world. What shall I do?’”
Catherine lays this out as Satan’s strategy, “No use in bringing in a gigantic system of error, which everyone will see the error.” His plan was to get hold of good people and get them to be satisfied with a lower standard. Kind of like slowly turning down the heat until the fire has almost gone out. “Yes, Satan knew he had to get Christians down from the high pinnacle of whole-hearted consecration to God.”
Holiness is the high standard of whole-hearted consecration to God.
Have you been convinced that it is impossible to be holy or to live a holy life? Has the enemy blinded you to the fact that by Grace God’s Holy Spirit is able to help us obtain this standard that was set for us by Jesus Christ?
Catherine said, “Show the world a real, living, self-sacrificing, hard-working, toiling, triumphing religion, and the world will be influenced by it; but anything short of that they will turn around and spit upon.”
Wondering how we can Win Our World? Blood and Fire is the answer. The Blood of Jesus saves us and sets us free. The Fire of the Holy Spirit will keep us and purify us daily. This is the source of our power. Like the old Gowans and Larsson song says, “If you want it, it’s yours.” Just ask God right now and watch how He will work it out in your life.