Thursday, August 03, 2006

Real, Living, Reigning, Triumphing, Christianity

Real, Living, Reigning, Triumphing, Christianity

This is what Catherine Booth called the true standard that Jesus Christ has set for us. Only this standard gives us victory over sin, the world, the flesh and Satan. The Devil knew that this standard life style was the secret of the early disciples. (The ones who turned the world upside down for Christ) Their “whole-hearted devotion, their absorbing love to Christ and their utter abnegation of the world” gave them the power to make a difference. Look at “their entire absorption in the salvation of their fellow man and the glory of God” for an example of how to live your life. This degree of devotion will defeat Satan. “Therefore the arch-enemy said, ‘What must I do? I shall be defeated. I shall lose my supremacy as god of this world. What shall I do?’”

Catherine lays this out as Satan’s strategy, “No use in bringing in a gigantic system of error, which everyone will see the error.” His plan was to get hold of good people and get them to be satisfied with a lower standard. Kind of like slowly turning down the heat until the fire has almost gone out. “Yes, Satan knew he had to get Christians down from the high pinnacle of whole-hearted consecration to God.”

Holiness is the high standard of whole-hearted consecration to God.

Have you been convinced that it is impossible to be holy or to live a holy life? Has the enemy blinded you to the fact that by Grace God’s Holy Spirit is able to help us obtain this standard that was set for us by Jesus Christ?

Catherine said, “Show the world a real, living, self-sacrificing, hard-working, toiling, triumphing religion, and the world will be influenced by it; but anything short of that they will turn around and spit upon.”

Wondering how we can Win Our World? Blood and Fire is the answer. The Blood of Jesus saves us and sets us free. The Fire of the Holy Spirit will keep us and purify us daily. This is the source of our power. Like the old Gowans and Larsson song says, “If you want it, it’s yours.” Just ask God right now and watch how He will work it out in your life.

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