Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ideas for WOW Groups

Nothing is ever easy, but sometimes a little idea and direction can open the door to a new ministry easier than a blank page. Look at these ideas and see if one or more of them seems do-able.

Weeping Over Wickedness -
This would be an intercessors' group that prays for your local community, state, nation and the world. Praying for the salvation of the lost, current issues, and for the establishment of the Kingdom of God. The members of this group would meet as a group once a month for teaching, fellowship and praise reports. During the month they will "meet" in groups of two and three either by phone, computer or in person to pray for the topics assigned and for what God places on their hearts. Women who belong to this group can be interdenominational. Pray and ask God to draw intercessors to you. Remember to practice spiritual warfare means that you must begin by having a right spirit within your heart. Then ask God to cover you, your family, your ministry, your business with His protection. Any thing that is important to you can be used to distract you so give it all to God. Make sure each member of your intercessory group does the same. There is great power in this ministry and because God can use you so powerfully, the enemy will try to distract you.

Way Over Whelmed
Ever feel so overwhelmed by life that you thought you were going to drown in your problems? Join the club. It is amazing what good things and victory can come from meeting with a couple of friends over a cup of tea and prayer. Support groups are not new, but where to meet and when - make it easy. Two or more women gathered together in a deliberate meeting can be a women's ministry group.

Walk Our Way
A walking prayer or support group could be a fun way to do ministry.

Widows Overcoming Worry
Are there widows in your corps? Do they know any widows? God has a special place in His heart for widows. Look in the Old and New Testaments. Look up scriptures about widows. Lead a Bible study about what God's Word says, then ask the group to think about an outreach to widows.

Ok, those are some of the ideas I have heard. Share some of yours.

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