The Heavenly Commander called me the other day and asked me to take a letter. Since I’m trying to follow the chain of command, I checked with Him to be sure that He cleared this request through the proper channels. He assured me that everything was in order. I reminded the Commander that I wasn’t the fastest typist, but He said since I was available speed didn’t matter. I agreed to do the letter for Him.
He started off the dictation session:
“Address this letter to The Salvation Army.”
“Excuse me, to whom in The Salvation Army should I send it to. Is it for the International Salvation Army or just the United States? Is it just for officers, or for soldiers too? Is this letter for women in The Salvation Army or are men included. Do you want to be a little more specific?”
There was a period of silence. I thought maybe He was impressed with and pondering my profound questions. After the silence became a little uncomfortable, I said: “Ok, I addressed the letter to The Salvation Army. It is just that it seemed a little too broad. I guess You will make sure the right people get this letter. I will trust Your system. Go on.”
“My dear children, I know your deeds, your work and your perseverance.”
“Excuse me. This is a great opening line. You immediately establish a warm relationship with readers. Then You remind them that You know about them. Did you want to expand on the deeds and work? I mean, let them know which deeds have really caught Your attention lately. Let them know which programs have produced the most positive results in the last year. That perseverance line is a little negative though. It makes it seem like they may be suffering persecution or difficulties. Nobody really likes to be reminded of the negative. Perhaps you can put that line a little later in the letter. You know after they’re really into reading it.”
I thought the Heavenly Commander would really appreciate this gem of insight. I was wrong. Once again there was one of those long and uncomfortable silences.
“Ok, it’s Your letter after all. I’m ready for the next sentence.”
“I know that you cannot endure evil men, but that you test everything to know if I have sent them to you.”
“Excuse me. Do you want to be so gender specific? Grammar check is going to beep on the word ‘men’. You wouldn’t want to be politically incorrect. Someone might think that You’re saying they should only watch out for evil ‘men’.”
The Heavenly Commander gave me another of those silences and I imagine He was rolling His eyes. He may have begun to wonder if He picked the right person to do this letter. Well, I did not want to get fired from this position, so I quickly reminded Him that I knew it was His letter and I would write it the way He dictated it. I added that I just wanted Him to look good.
“You have persevered and have endured for My Name’s sake and have not grown weary. However, I have this against you, you have left your first love.”
“Time out! Don’t you think You’re getting to the ‘however’ a quickly? Don’t you think this is a little judgmental? After all, The Salvation Army is doing a lot for Your Kingdom. We passed out cold water in Your Name at the Olympics. We have been on the scene of major disasters with our sleeves rolled up and ready to work. We faithfully hold Home League meetings at least 48 weeks of the year. (in most places) We have morning worship services and some still have evening services. We touch more lives for Your Kingdom in our communities than the average church. We even lead some of those people to salvation through Jesus Christ. We are a very busy people. How can you say The Salvation Army has lost its first love? Are You really sure You want to include that line in Your Letter to The Salvation Army?”
I did my best to defend us, but somewhere in my heart I knew the Commander was right. I quit arguing and waited for the rest of the letter. I know He’s not the kind to write a letter only to point out a problem. He will always have a solution. We may not like it, but there will be a solution.
“Remember where you have fallen from. Examine My plan for you when I called you into being. I didn’t need another church. I didn’t need another institution. I certainly don’t need another museum.”
“I hear that! ‘Remember.’ You know, we are really good at celebrating our past. I don’t know that we always learn from it, and we can have the tendency to live in it. Still we are good at remembering. Just help us to ‘remember’ what our first love really was. Ok, that’s a good line. ‘Remember.’”
“Repent and return to do the deeds you did at first.”
“Two more ‘R’ words. ‘Repent’ and ‘return’. Do You have any thing specific in mind? Do You want to tell us what we need to repent from? Can You please show us what deeds we should return to? Do You mean The Salvation Army needs to return to Open Air Meetings, several meetings on Sunday, a meeting every night of the week, home visitation…or prayer, Bible Study, and obedience to the leading of Your Holy spirit? You are our first love.” Since I like things to be easy I added: “Please let those 'first deeds' be something easy or we may not be able to accomplish this task. I’m ready for the next sentence.”
“If you do not remember, return, and repent, I will come and remove your lampstand out of its place.”
“That is a bit cryptic. Do You actually mean to warn us that You will give our work to someone else if we do not remember, repent and return?”
“Yes. That is exactly My warning for The Salvation Army.”
“The one who has an ear to hear, let him hear. It will be worth your while to do as I say, both now and in eternity. Those who overcome will be allowed to eat of the Tree of Life. This tree is in the Paradise of God.”
“How do You want to sign the letter?”
“Those who have ears to hear will know Who sent the letter.”
Sounds like something from the Bible, like in Revelations...