Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Some POW in our WOW

We need some POW for our WOW Initiative. POW stands for “Prayers of Warriors” and we must have our prayer warriors focused on the WOW Initiative if we want it to make a difference. Each division began circulating Prayer Pots by sending them to the corps. Each corps is to keep the Prayer Pot one week before sending it to the next corps. The Prayer Pot looks like a pot being formed by the potter. It has the shape of two hands on it and the words “Thou art the potter” inscribed on the top. The Prayer Pots are also being circulated at the ARC, Crestmont and THQ. The Prayer Pot at THQ sits on the desk of Jean Bauer and is filled with white rose petals. People at THQ and those visiting are encouraged to take a rose petal out of the pot and write the letters WOW. Then they are to take the petal with them to remind them to pray.

Even though the WOW Initiative is an idea designed and promoted by the Territorial Women’s Section and Women’s Ministries in the Western Territory, it is not just a “woman’s thing,” it is a Kingdom thing. It is a promotion to win souls for the Kingdom of God, for The Salvation Army and for the local corps. Salvation Army women’s ministry programs are outcome oriented. They were designed to lead people to Christ (Seeker 1) and help them mature in their Christian life (Seeker 2). Women’s programs were designed to bring families to the corps and add to the Soldier roll. We measure these outcomes.

Here is a celebration report from Major Mariam Rudd for the Cascade division:

Line # 2405 (37) #1 Adult Seekers through Women's Ministries – 65

Line # 2410 (37) #2 Adult Seekers through Women's Ministries – 338 women sought after God's heart in rededication and submission

Line # 3001 Women's Ministries 703 (last year - 688) 25 more women attended WM in 2006


Line #3010 – 47 - new families were brought to the corps through Women's Ministries!

We are praising the Lord for this harvest - CELEBRATE with us and the Corps Officers of the Cascade Division, as we give thanks to the Lord this Thanksgiving Season.

This is just from one division! More reports are coming in to our office of how God used Salvation Army women’s programs to grow His Kingdom.

We can do better with some more POW in our WOW!

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