Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Reminder What's WOW About?

WOW is a multi - part promotion. The first part is the WOW Initiative. The work done on the field in this next year and beyond. The second is a Territorial WOW Celebration Luncheon planned for June 9, 2007. A third part will include the divisionally planned Celebrations. Corps and ARC Units can also have their own celebrations.

What will we celebrate? Women and their family and friends who come to Christ. Women who grow in their commitment to the King of Kings. We will celebrate new members of Women's ministries programs, increase in attendance and new programs began.

To do this at the June 9, 2007 event we will use the months of October to March to monitor the activity, but divisions and corps should wait until at least a year has passed to see the greater outcomes and progress.

Salvation Army Women’s Ministries programs are outcome based. Measuring the outcome of our work will help indicate the effectiveness of those programs. Therefore we will continue to emphasize, measure, and celebrate the success of the following:

Fundamental Purposes:

Seekers added

Soldiers and Adherents added

Families Linked to Corps

New Members added to Home League

New Participants added to Outreach Groups

Attendance Increase

Forty-four and more meetings held

44 Home League Meetings (Required in WM Guidelines)

Outreach Group Meetings (Expected of every corps)

We are not giving any new reports for the corps, we will expect them to use the planning and report tools they have been given. There will be a new report for DHQ - The report asking for which people and programs they want to highlight at the Territorial Celebration.

Perhaps the women of a corps will realize how many lost opportunities pass through their doors at Christmas. In October, the will meet weekly to plan and pray. They will pray and ask God which women they should target. Shall they have a ministry to the grandmothers and aunts raising grandchildren and nieces? Shall they reach out to the single moms?

They will plan how to invite the target group of women, they will plan the events and what kinds of things they will do to interest the women to come. They will plan follow up events to invite the women to return. Will the events be monthly or weekly?

Then the women will pray some more. Pray and ask God to bless their efforts with success. The women will pray some more and ask God to help them grow in their own spiritual lives. They will take leadership positions and help the corps advance in the Salvation War.

Perhaps one woman will get the vision about winning women for Christ and her efforts will change a community. WOW!

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